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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Vatican's Claim that 'God' is their property!

Yesterday, the 24th of June - 2007 ...

I watched the last part of an Italian TV Program centered around today's youth and the 'Catholic Church'. In brief, it all added-up to one thing: that those 'Youth' attending who had knowledge of a Direct relationship with Whom is called 'God' in this sect - were not allowed to represent other than that 'God' is the Church's Property. The later, through priestly and adept twisting and sales jargon of those priests in attendance and representing the 'Almighty Church'.

Sad isn't it?

At Gregg's Place ... there is no place for religious sects who block, or interfere with, the Direct Relationship of 'Oneness' which binds 'man' to 'Spiritual Being'. There will never be ...

Thanks for stopping-by.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday, 23 June 2007 - 11:22 a.m.

A moment of silent thought ...
if I were to give a title to this moment, I guess I would need to focus on just a few words to arrive at one that would be accurate.
What are they? Simply: compassion, frustration, and patience...
When you know to be the 'Who' you are, and you try to communicate a demonstrable 'Truth' that contradicts (using the very same phrases and sayings) the GREAT RELIGIOUS EMPIRES that have for thousands of years, and generations-upon-generations, misleadingly brainwashed and manipulated 'man' - into believing to be 'mere man' (or small soul) isolated from a 'spirituality' (intentionally sent-off into the untouchable and non-existent heavens) invented by these same highly powerful and profitable entities just mentioned ... you cannot do more, nor less, than reflect upon the emotions and virtues pin-pointed above.
Reading the newspapers, listening to the radio, watching the news on TV, or navigating the credible Internet sources, inflicts deep wounds of frustration within me. Ever repeated crimes against one or another, children and women, humanity, the very environments which nurture our existence ... with the 'same' repeated jargon and appeals for silent prayers (instead of responsible involvement), which fall empty as solutions; nevertheless, giving fullness to the 'reasons'.
And why? Because you (at least the majority of the Earth's Populations) have been intentionally led to believe that which is not. Reason? The original building-plan and continued expansion for wealth and power - before the Holy Writings they convert and interpret for their success purposes - crash down upon them. And than? Not hard to accept! Back to the medieval land lords and slave-makers in a more historic manner of lifestyle. One of these 'Empires' has successfully reached ownership (statistics quoted) no less than 25% of the physical land within a Country named Italy. NOTE: there are authors, researchers, and archaeologists, questioning factually just how this land was obtained. Even to their convictions that over 500,000 human beings may have been slayed for this land. This I don't know for fact; as I am not one of these experts. Honestly speaking, I would not find it out-of-context with the foundation I know to exist: with regards to their 'human indoctrination policies or dogmas' and their intentional division of 'physical man' from the 'Truth' of his (man's) Nature as Being. The later, inflicting individual, family, community, national, and international damages and crimes upon the overall Population of this Universe.
Frustration? When it is so clear that 'Who' you are, and what you know, is Truth; and 'man' is not capable of ... or desirous of facing the facts by ... realizing (or at least researching) that True Life is more than a physical garment (even though miraculous in its functioning and capabilities) called 'body'. Thus denying himself (man) the Joy, Peace, and Love, which exists within unity with The True Being and Life Form Who is the very Foundation of man's existence. Strangely enough, I have not met anyone who has not within sincere, profound, and honest reflection, told me that there seems to be always something they seek to find ... which is missing from them as 'man'. The later, rich or poor ... less beautiful or more beautiful... and on...
Silent thoughts ... that should echo throughout the Populations of This World.
Take care always, and sincerest thanks for stopping-in at Gregg's Place.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Taking issue with the duplicity surrounding 'Spirituality'

Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Fax: +41 22 917 9011 Date faxed: 20 June 2007 / 7.54.44 Italy Time

United Nations High Commission for Human Rights
Ms. Louise Arbour

With all due respect, I would appreciate your taking into sincere consideration the following:

This is not the first time; I have addressed the United Nations with regards to International Human Rights concerning the profoundest violation of the same by organizations operating under classifications defined as 'religious sects'.

Once again, I would like to bring to a 'First Place' consideration regarding my communications: the position of the United Nations, and its participating Governments, with regards to declaring 'Religion and Spirituality' as being a 'Reality' before the same; or only a pretense that has misled 'man' over the thousands of years (most recently addressed as religious formulation) and the Generations which have evolved within.

Should 'Reality' not be the position of The United Nations; than I request an immediate investigative process into 'Fraud and Misrepresentation' on the part of those 'Major Religious Sects' who dominate greater territories and related statistics being of a population or economic nature.

Should the United Nations deem that Spirituality and a Creator, be in Fact a defined and legally accepted 'Reality'; than I would now request that the following be brought under immediate attention and control of The United Nations in defense and protection of the Very Human (and Highest Ranking) Right that 'man' within this Universe holds; and further, has been denied. For the latter, provocation of plagues amongst the Peoples of All Nations: ranging from abandonment to thirst, starvation, and the lack of common cure; to their wars and conflicts which in these times fall heavy with tones of religious convictions (be they manipulated or of the nature of excuse... or be they of true foundation for these atrocities).

Please note: that scientifically, and with extreme logic and intelligence, all that is herein claimed can be brought to not only plausible, but convincingly acceptable (even by 'man') concreteness. I would like to state at this time: that 'Spirituality' is in Fact a Reality; and that, determinations of the same by any physical organization do not change Its Nature of Being.

These are times in which (even obvious to those without physical human sight or upper levels at man's educational programming) 'common man' is confronted with the predicted collapse of their 'historically inclined faiths'. The latter, being motivation either for: destructive abuse of its environments, the incapacity of 'individual man' or 'its governments' to arrive in defense of the same; and on, throughout the seemingly eternal fibers of deterioration at all levels of 'society'.

Assuming that, Spirituality could possibly be accepted by the United Nations as a Reality; I need not dwell upon the disasters that would befall 'man' upon the near and eventual collapse of profoundly bottomless (mostly empty in sense) concepts of Spirituality. These disasters ranging: once again from environmental destruction throughout the Universes; to total commercial and financial imbalance and vast havoc. The latter, dragging Society back once more into Medieval like Governing and Powers of Wealth as held by strictly - Power and Wealth Structured Organizations; these, historically defined and documented as being 'Church' and 'Individualized and Personalized for Convenience - Kingly States'.

What 'violation' of Human Rights am I declaring?
The intentional misrepresentation of the Nature of 'Man' and 'Man's Direct Part and Structure' within the True Nature of Spirituality.

By whom?
On the part of those religious sects, who hold within their knowledge the True Nature of Spirituality and 'man's part' within the Same. This intentional act and Horrendous Violation of Humanity, has brought about the beginning of a total collapse with regards to 'programmed faith' and 'beliefs'; further, this 'violation' in fact contradicts fully the Spiritual Truths within Creation and man's nature.

The United Nations and its Participating Members, as well as those Nations who are not, are now at the doorstep of this predicted and very defined collapse. 'Man' in himself, is not Psychologically or Emotionally prepared for the One Truth which in fact must come about for his endings of Society's Divisions and Shortcomings. Those within these very same religious structures speak of the later; as being 'Man's Salvation'. I prefer to say: man's survival; as 'Salvation' be of the Nature of Spirituality and Being beyond the heart and mind of 'mere man'.

For years now, I have addressed this precise issue to the Vaticans amongst the religious empires. I have been ignored! I have addressed the United Nations; and again, I have been ignored! Yet, that which I have addressed has also moved forwards concretely, factually, and oh too visibly before the very human eyes and minds of All of You. This, I find a great shortcoming which demands the Authoritative Written Declaration addressing the 'Reality of Spirituality' or the 'Widespread and Historical Fraud and Violation of Human Rights' on the part of those legally registered and declared 'Religious Sects' who have programmed (since the birthing of each Human Being) an 'Almighty Falsity' for purpose of obtaining wealth in the form of monies, objects of value, properties, influential power, and the management of commercial entities which influence the very state of natural health and being of 'Every Man' and 'Beast'.

I would assume that the United Nations would prefer that Spirituality be a Reality; over confronting the aforementioned Empires which have flowed across the economies and governings of the Same Organization - throughout its Members territorially defined borders and peoples.

On this assumption, that Spirituality is in Fact a Reality: I declare that the Same has not properly and/or honestly been brought forth to Humanity (Man); thus, be it for intentional purpose or be it for lack of Wisdom which flows directly from Spirituality's Origin and One Fountain, the Rights of Every Human Being to be informed with the Truth of their Co-relation within Creation and Spirituality have thus (and continue to be) been violated. The latter, being the Greatest Violation that could ever be inflicted upon 'Each Life Form': be this of the environmental natures; man, or beast.

I hereby bring to the attention of The United Nations as an Organization, and to its Individual Members, that in fact: this Violation is also a Reality (not only within the physical state) within Spirituality. Thus, the Violators aforementioned are in fact in violation: of Man (as man and physical); and further, Man: as being an Integral Being united and divided within Spirituality. Any organization, or individual, who so violates the Two Natures of Being can not be less than officially addressed within the United Nations. Otherwise, the same must in fact be addressed by your Organization for the strictly human and horrendous crime of falsifying the existence of 'Spirituality' over the generations and thousands of years in which it has perpetrated this very human crime ... as 'strictly human beings'.

This declaration above, and further as follows, I present once more to the United Nations:
under my Human Right: being to protect 'every man' including my own physical being from premeditated violation and fraudulent misrepresentation, from birth, on the part of the Sect known as 'Catholic' (and others who are likewise of this act) under the direct management and intention of the Institution known as 'Vatican'; and further, under those individuals holding firm their instructions amongst as being specifically the hierarchy known as 'Pope'.
And further, in defense, as a Spiritual Being and Entity residing within 'Man' (and integral through Creation and Evolution within) the True Nature of Spirituality as a Reality. In regards to this Reality of the Oneness of My True Natures: I have suffered damages as 'man' denied of 'Truth' concerning, relative to, and essential to, my very capacities, abilities, and understandings, and the like; which are to be operative within - conformity to (and Unity and Awareness of) the Spiritual Nature of Being I am. I have been consciously and mentally denied the same by the Sect named above under their programs, teachings, and preaching. Further being forced (and further damaged) to witness, amongst the Peoples and Nations I know to be Brother, the sufferings and conflicts inflicted upon them by the misrepresentation of Truth; I have been violated and further damaged as the Spiritual Being I so am. For no 'Spiritual Entity' who be of Good Nature and Love can not suffer greatly with tears of compassion, for that which 'man' is capable of doing to 'other man' as a direct result of his ignorance to the Truth and Natures of 'Being'. This anguish and suffering has scientifically and medically been a direct damaging effect also to my person as 'Man'; as in Knowledgeable Unity, I as 'Man' suffer that Whom I as Being so Be. Denial of this Reality, as being actual on the part of the United Nations, or any religious or governing body, or any individual - IN FACT demonstrates that for these same institutions: Spirituality is not a Reality. And thus, once again, I would call for investigations into the heinous crimes, at human and physical levels, being committed (according to those just mentioned) by the religious sects amongst the Peoples spread across the Oceans of Humanity.
For if, I can not be who I am: than IN FACT, and without necessary investigation and/or discussion, since 9 months prior to the date of 30 August 1944, I have been fraudulently misrepresented and abducted psychologically, emotionally, morally, and physically, by the religious sect known as 'Catholic' with 'Major Guilt and Criminal Responsibility' falling upon the Directors (High Priests of this same Institution) specifically nominated and specifically titled 'Pope'. My formal requests for removal and termination within 'the Rolls of the Catholic Sect' has been received by the Secretary of State of the Vatican (two faxes and finally the necessity of mailing one registered letter ... for which I just received return receipt of acceptance); nevertheless I have not yet received 'Once again under my rights' - confirmation, that I have in fact legally been removed from participation and registration within their sect)

I request that, the United Nations (specifically the Human Rights Commission) take into consideration the honest and sincere issue of Human Rights Violation as declared above. I fully understand the scope of my declaration; and further, the vastness of the oceans of perpetrators I stand before, in protection of All Man and All Being within the Physical and Spiritual Realms as being united within Creation. I would personally like to state: that, if 'man' is not, within immediate coming times, permitted the Knowledge of Truth ... all which the Vaticans (as directed towards the Seats of related religious sects) have managed within their versions or editing of accepted Miraculous Communications and Events ... will fall before an unprepared humanity. My tears and compassion flow now, should this be the outcome of your Organization's Choice to not take serious this declaration. There are those, who have understood well 'man's part' within the One Reality which is defined Spirituality; and these, have turned man into fodder, and slave, for cultivation of their personal benefits, wealth, and powers. Your Organization, before the eyes of all nations, has (as their reporting) humanly failed to manage 'physical humanity' as it need be done. The reason be, that without the living and management within and from Spirituality's Place of Being ... 'mere man' cannot effectively manage, or be managed. For it is 'man' as 'Man's True Nature' be, Who must come to decision and choice as a Unified Being. This physical world cannot ever know its Beauty and Glory ... if it continues to be deprived for the Essentials provided within Spirituality for its existence as planned within Creation.

Once again, with all due respect, I ask that you accept in an official manner the declaration herein presented to you personally; and further, to the United Nations as an Organization. I will be publishing this document ...

Sincerely, and respectfully.
May Our Father walk within you ... may you sense His Presence along the Path.

F. Gregg Meagher

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday ...

Traditionally known as the 7th Day of the week on man's calendars ...
The famous (and once practiced) 'Day of Rest' ... the 'Lord's Day'; and safely, a 'Day of Prayer'.

I have spoken of the translations, interpretations, and versions. I have researched, that which has been employed as 'meaning' (?) by the religious sects. I have done so, in order to look profoundly (as man) into that which I know to be in contradiction to the True and Real Nature of Being beyond this garment I have been endowed with here.

Today, here, within the infinite and non-existent walls* of Gregg's Place; I am greatly drawn to ponder upon man's definitions regarding 'prayer'. Obviously, most of these rain down through the commands, laws, and warnings, of the religious sects. A very human and physical reality which troubles me greatly.

* Walls?
For those visiting, who sincerely require 'walls': I would need to refer you to that which you know to be defined as 'physical'; and further, or more specifically 'body'. However, I would sincerely hope that - you will find a time when you can step-out and look back into the Structure you, as man are. These 'walls' have become, through teaching and preaching, barriers to knowing the Reality and Truth of the full nature of 'Being' ... and 'man's part' within.
"Troubles me greatly!" ? Yes! Someone has uttered silently "Why?" ...
Because, the true meaning of 'Prayer' falls into little known concepts; and exists not within the traditional in which: for thousands of years, generation upon generation have been led to believe is what a Divine and Loving (God, god) Parent would so ask from their Children born by Them into Life ... through Their Creation.
I guess tradition speaks around traditional prefabricated concepts of the nature of 'their gods' (small or Capital 'G'); which I know to be a visible contradiction to the very same characteristics these same religious sects have comfortably and cunningly (?) sewn into them (God, gods). In brief, let's take a glimpse: all I have to do is pray? Confess my repetitious 'sins'? Show-up at church on Sundays (OK, we have fallen to certain Sundays to save my little soul)? And donate $ / € (or some other currency) for the administration's needs. Ok! That's comfortable! But is it Divine Wisdom? Intelligence? Something that builds Strong and Loving Physical and Spiritual Family Relations? Am I really doing my part within the One Plan? And the like ...
Answer: Nope!!! Spirituality on the ground level: witches and God's heroes burned at the stake ... a man called Jesus (Home to Creator's Child) tortured and murdered on a wooden cross. The latter, constructed by whom? And God? His Child? Oh we all know the answer to that: shipped-off into the untouchable heavens; third floor over hell, and paradise (which as I mentioned were finally - by the Vatican's last leader - admitted to be virtually and Spiritually non-existent places. Finally defined: as being levels within Spirituality's Nature.
I attempted, via upper-echelon offices within the United Nations to challenge the "God, gods" promulgated within the 'Church' (Catholic - because I was without my consensus lovingly baptized into this organizational structure as a newborn. Catholic elementary and high schools, Jesuit College - and into the Reality of a Truth that no one within the very cement-like walls had ever mentioned to me) as being a Reality... or a Fictitiously Well Guarded Phenomenon written into the books by 'mere men' seeking (as historically documented) power over the 'Children' ... and obviously there earnings. No response from the UN! No response form the Vatican! Their Press Office! ... or any other major news media which received copies. No problem! Silence is golden - in fact it shines brilliantly with 'Truth' in times like these.
Have you ever contemplated upon the duplicity we have been (and still are) trapped into? I am talking about the 'Doctrines and Dogmas' ... which contradict in real human life ... the Spiritual and Almighty Who they are written to supposedly support on earth. I have! And, I know that their 'God / god' is not the 'Who', Who counts on us to put things right here. Blasphemy? Nope again! Why not? Because, I resigned (still trying to get confirmation under my Privacy Rights) from the Organization known as the Catholic Church or Religious Sect, that's why. I can't be accused of blaspheming an 'entity' which has no conformity with the One Creator ( any Name); for this 'entity' is not my God. Therefore, I have not blasphemed 'God' ... I have only called the cards on the 'whom' this sect has publicized to be their 'God / god'. I know the Love I share with My Creator ... Who does not ask of me the 'titles' preached by the 'much too human' religious sects.
Who is the One Fountain of All Being (Spiritual and Physical) I speak about? I prefer to speak with you about this Artist and Sculptor during a future visit. Instead I would like to return to Truth in defining 'Prayer': the doing of that which we are respectfully responsible for to ourselves and others. In other words: 'Action' speaks louder than words being repeated over and over again without physical contribution and involvement in accomplishment of the Maintenance of This Garden and Its Inhabitants ... Its Environments ... Its Evolutions. Truth is: the religious sects have turned their 'God / gods' into domestics and care takers called comfortably upon through 'traditional uttering defined as prayer', to give us what we want; the later, most times limited strictly to our own personal needs and desires. Give me (and Our Creator) an almighty break! Who the heck (don't want to use a word that might misguide some one's thoughts) created man's comfortable lifestyle where Mom and/or Dad, in this case Our Creator, does all the work involved in serving 'almighty us'?
In the First Place: the One Family is in fact United Here ... and not in the religious twilight zones and beyond! In the second place: Spiritual Being(s) are not so far-off in left field with regards to our pure natures and their characteristics! And, in the third place: We have been given All that is needed to participate within the One family's Chores; and we have a responsibility, both at Spiritual and Physical Levels, to do so. Religion has given us to their 'praying' and 'paying'; while the proverbial administrators wine and dine: Someone (too often a Small Child) within Our United Family dies of thirst and starvation just about every minute or so. And they (the religious prophets) say: "Pray!" ... you are commanded by 'our god' to do so! My Creator, and One Parent, at the Spiritual Level says: Feed My Children ... Your Brothers and Sisters who are fading from this Physical Realm ... or hold your requests in silence; for I desire not to hear them more. And how much of the 'Follower's Donations' went, not to feed these Children of Creation; but instead to keep silent those Children who fell Victim to Holy Abuse "In the Name of their god!"? While from their 'pulpits' and 'places' above the Children, dressed in long and fancy garments as in medieval times, continues to be spewed-out the empty words "Let us do nothing but pray!".
Prayer? Not their definition or concept! But Truthfully instead, the being involved in Life's Responsibilities within the Physical Experience which we have been Gifted as a Spiritual Being. We have no right as 'mere man' to not be Life's Gardeners and Caretakers; for we are Life's Children. Note: 'Trinity' is not so secret! Its comprehension is possible ...
I sincerely thank you for visiting with me here at Gregg's Place...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Time passes by to give way to new experiences

16 June 2007

Old walls broken down to give way to the new...

Here, we are entering into the beginning of a long, seemingly lifetime in man's measured times, awaited and historical challenge. A challenge which will shake structures and institutions evolving from a time which would engrave the calendar year into an eventful 'zero'.

Looking around Universal Societies, it is not difficult to realize that there exists one thing in common throughout the Nations. That one thing unfortunately, is division. Division at home, at work, within the community, man's politics, and of greatest relevance: man's religious sects. The later, being one of the elements most strongly effecting each segment within the organizational structure we know as 'physical human life'. A factor, which is the basis for destruction of our environments through comfortable abuse of Nature's Perfection and Balance; moving on through broken and torn families, discrimination, abandonment to starvation and thirst, comfortably forgetting the needs of those who are not directly within our nucleus of responsibility, and on.

Many of these aforementioned, are lifestyles which have been programmed into 'common man' since birth "In the Name of God! ... or god!". I believe, that many of you visiting here within Gregg's Place have at one time or another been faced with a situation (most times of a nature of great loss) which brought to words (or to thought)... the questioning of This Same Being, in search of the Almighty Reason (the Why?) this loss occurred. Many have suffered greatly for lack of an answer. For each 'Child' that passes-on as a victim of starvation and thirst: I ask WHY religious organizations defend the maintenance of their 'Duomos' when the money spent each year could save so many of the Children, Whom those sitting in the Vatican State declare are the Children of their God. I ask, how can those who dine in luxury "In the Name of God!" while others starve to death ... convince so many people around this Planet: that they truly represent an Infinitely Divine and Loving Creator. So many times, I have asked about so many contradictions; only to come-up with One Rational Answer: they do not represent Whom I know to be the One Parent, Artist, and Sculptor of Life and Creation.

So much of man's suffering is based-upon, or evolved around: religious translations, interpretations, and hypothetical versions of one faith or another. All to be 'blindly followed without questioning' ... all to be under the direction of the various Vatican-like headquarters of religious empires. Each in competition with other, in a never ending quest for increasing the numbers of their flocks (flocks?). The almighty (at earthly levels) game of recruiting "Followers"!

The mysteries and secrets, the Religiously Orientated Theologians and Philosophers, and High (and low) Priests constructing their individual facts throughout the generations after the stories had been written in the thousands of years prior to the second-hand's toc on the wall. The cart before the horse? Certainly, grave contradictions have fallen into place within these sacred and holy foundations.

Many, honestly most, people I have spoken with regarding the Existence of Their God and Spirituality have (in fact) supported their belief in a 'Supreme Being'; nevertheless, at the same time, admitted that they follow the religious trends ... but they no longer give much credibility to the management and support teams sitting within church and/or temple walls. You may be one of these. If so, here at Gregg's Place, you will find not only that you are not alone; but that you can freely enter into logical and sound contradiction of the set-down (and programmed) thoughts and ways developed within traditional religions ... by those who merit the 'doubting of Thomas'.

Have I heard within uttering of 'Blasphemy!"? This would be the greatest untruth to ever be brought into Gregg's Place... for I speak not against our Creator; instead, in defense of the Truth that our Creator is a Reality unlike 'that' of the more successful and widespread religious versions. I will 'checkmate' anyone, who desires to challenge the logic and rationality of that concerning the Whom I defend. For, that which I have been given to know is a purely logical, wise, and loving, solution (in time) to all man's conflicts and misguided manners of being merely human. In fact, I have for years challenged in writing the Vatican, it's Popes and Highest Priests ... without their physical reply in any manner whatsoever (?).

No one has to be a theologian or philosopher to understand that which I am preparing to introduce here at Gregg's Place. And, I believe it would be accepted by most here: that limiting the Truth and Nature of Life within the Physical Arena to the few, placing them between a Creator and a Creator's Children for their guidance, would not substantially support Divine and Infinite Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence. The later, especially when 'Creator' is well aware of every man's capacity to think first of their own comforts, wealth, and powers.

Gregg's Place has been opened for everyone. However, when entering, please leave your customized and personally fitted conclusions on the garment rack by the door. For here, we will journey beyond the traditional (and limited) human heart and mind; and move onward into the evolutionary development of that which is available to us ... that which has been programmed into us by others or by our focused interests. To do so, you will come to a time here; that when entering our door, you realize that you are hanging the 'who' you have been led to believe you are on that very same rack.

I would like to make one thing (Fact) certain here. I am not inviting you into any place other than Gregg's Place; the opening of a new door, which you have probably been seeking for some time.

  • No religious sect... denomination... or school of thought! I am not seeking 'followers'; unless, you decide to confront the reality that to find the Fountain of Spirituality: you must follow yourself ... until you find Yourself. For the only place I can lead you to in your search for that which is missing (rich or poor) is within 'You'! A thought for those who practice the 'Catholic Faith': more o less, it was told, "There will come a day, when you will know that I am you ... and you are I.". A thought!

  • I have no desire that you contribute your hard earned money in any manner at Gregg's Place. If you should be doing so somewhere else, I would appreciate your considering creating a direct-to-the-needy means of doing so. I personally have a problem with regards to monies given under Holy Goodness going to keep victims of 'child abuse' (and others) quiet in defense of 'priests and nuns' who destroy lives "In the Name of Their God!"...

  • I know that the One Path to Home, after this physical experience expires for each of us, is a Direct Path through our 'Human Entity' (a miraculous garment or if you prefer machine) which reflects in mirrors and shiny surfaces for all to see ... on down through Life's True DNA into the Being we are. For here, We are at Home. Following me, could only be accomplished by your accepting the later.

For those who are curious, I started down my Path as a Child. And, as a Child, I was gifted by what 'man' has given the term 'Apparition'. I regret sincerely, that this type of event is not being clearly addressed as being that which it is; instead of being used to promulgate the far-off and untouchable heavens, paradise, and/or hell (which by the way were officially documented as being non existent in term of 'place' by the last Pope ... a few months after I -in writing- challenged their existence as the Good Books have prefabricated them to be. Maybe coincidence? And the only thing important is that Truth was finally shouted-out from St Peter's Square via the media that there exists 'Levels of Spirituality' - these I will discuss during another visit.

Fact is: 'Truth' is not what you have been programmed to believe. Keep in mind please that the human brain is greatly defined as being a 'computer like' part of the human body; thus, it works (at human productive levels) only within the environmental databases which have been n some manner programmed into it. There is another term that might be appropriate: 'Brainwashing' - the latter, either by third party entities or auto digested.

Here at Gregg's Place, we will enter into the 'Area' of Wisdom and Knowledge which is in fact the Principal Designer within our Very Being. Mere man's Guide and Support ...

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your next visit...
