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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Time passes by to give way to new experiences

16 June 2007

Old walls broken down to give way to the new...

Here, we are entering into the beginning of a long, seemingly lifetime in man's measured times, awaited and historical challenge. A challenge which will shake structures and institutions evolving from a time which would engrave the calendar year into an eventful 'zero'.

Looking around Universal Societies, it is not difficult to realize that there exists one thing in common throughout the Nations. That one thing unfortunately, is division. Division at home, at work, within the community, man's politics, and of greatest relevance: man's religious sects. The later, being one of the elements most strongly effecting each segment within the organizational structure we know as 'physical human life'. A factor, which is the basis for destruction of our environments through comfortable abuse of Nature's Perfection and Balance; moving on through broken and torn families, discrimination, abandonment to starvation and thirst, comfortably forgetting the needs of those who are not directly within our nucleus of responsibility, and on.

Many of these aforementioned, are lifestyles which have been programmed into 'common man' since birth "In the Name of God! ... or god!". I believe, that many of you visiting here within Gregg's Place have at one time or another been faced with a situation (most times of a nature of great loss) which brought to words (or to thought)... the questioning of This Same Being, in search of the Almighty Reason (the Why?) this loss occurred. Many have suffered greatly for lack of an answer. For each 'Child' that passes-on as a victim of starvation and thirst: I ask WHY religious organizations defend the maintenance of their 'Duomos' when the money spent each year could save so many of the Children, Whom those sitting in the Vatican State declare are the Children of their God. I ask, how can those who dine in luxury "In the Name of God!" while others starve to death ... convince so many people around this Planet: that they truly represent an Infinitely Divine and Loving Creator. So many times, I have asked about so many contradictions; only to come-up with One Rational Answer: they do not represent Whom I know to be the One Parent, Artist, and Sculptor of Life and Creation.

So much of man's suffering is based-upon, or evolved around: religious translations, interpretations, and hypothetical versions of one faith or another. All to be 'blindly followed without questioning' ... all to be under the direction of the various Vatican-like headquarters of religious empires. Each in competition with other, in a never ending quest for increasing the numbers of their flocks (flocks?). The almighty (at earthly levels) game of recruiting "Followers"!

The mysteries and secrets, the Religiously Orientated Theologians and Philosophers, and High (and low) Priests constructing their individual facts throughout the generations after the stories had been written in the thousands of years prior to the second-hand's toc on the wall. The cart before the horse? Certainly, grave contradictions have fallen into place within these sacred and holy foundations.

Many, honestly most, people I have spoken with regarding the Existence of Their God and Spirituality have (in fact) supported their belief in a 'Supreme Being'; nevertheless, at the same time, admitted that they follow the religious trends ... but they no longer give much credibility to the management and support teams sitting within church and/or temple walls. You may be one of these. If so, here at Gregg's Place, you will find not only that you are not alone; but that you can freely enter into logical and sound contradiction of the set-down (and programmed) thoughts and ways developed within traditional religions ... by those who merit the 'doubting of Thomas'.

Have I heard within uttering of 'Blasphemy!"? This would be the greatest untruth to ever be brought into Gregg's Place... for I speak not against our Creator; instead, in defense of the Truth that our Creator is a Reality unlike 'that' of the more successful and widespread religious versions. I will 'checkmate' anyone, who desires to challenge the logic and rationality of that concerning the Whom I defend. For, that which I have been given to know is a purely logical, wise, and loving, solution (in time) to all man's conflicts and misguided manners of being merely human. In fact, I have for years challenged in writing the Vatican, it's Popes and Highest Priests ... without their physical reply in any manner whatsoever (?).

No one has to be a theologian or philosopher to understand that which I am preparing to introduce here at Gregg's Place. And, I believe it would be accepted by most here: that limiting the Truth and Nature of Life within the Physical Arena to the few, placing them between a Creator and a Creator's Children for their guidance, would not substantially support Divine and Infinite Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence. The later, especially when 'Creator' is well aware of every man's capacity to think first of their own comforts, wealth, and powers.

Gregg's Place has been opened for everyone. However, when entering, please leave your customized and personally fitted conclusions on the garment rack by the door. For here, we will journey beyond the traditional (and limited) human heart and mind; and move onward into the evolutionary development of that which is available to us ... that which has been programmed into us by others or by our focused interests. To do so, you will come to a time here; that when entering our door, you realize that you are hanging the 'who' you have been led to believe you are on that very same rack.

I would like to make one thing (Fact) certain here. I am not inviting you into any place other than Gregg's Place; the opening of a new door, which you have probably been seeking for some time.

  • No religious sect... denomination... or school of thought! I am not seeking 'followers'; unless, you decide to confront the reality that to find the Fountain of Spirituality: you must follow yourself ... until you find Yourself. For the only place I can lead you to in your search for that which is missing (rich or poor) is within 'You'! A thought for those who practice the 'Catholic Faith': more o less, it was told, "There will come a day, when you will know that I am you ... and you are I.". A thought!

  • I have no desire that you contribute your hard earned money in any manner at Gregg's Place. If you should be doing so somewhere else, I would appreciate your considering creating a direct-to-the-needy means of doing so. I personally have a problem with regards to monies given under Holy Goodness going to keep victims of 'child abuse' (and others) quiet in defense of 'priests and nuns' who destroy lives "In the Name of Their God!"...

  • I know that the One Path to Home, after this physical experience expires for each of us, is a Direct Path through our 'Human Entity' (a miraculous garment or if you prefer machine) which reflects in mirrors and shiny surfaces for all to see ... on down through Life's True DNA into the Being we are. For here, We are at Home. Following me, could only be accomplished by your accepting the later.

For those who are curious, I started down my Path as a Child. And, as a Child, I was gifted by what 'man' has given the term 'Apparition'. I regret sincerely, that this type of event is not being clearly addressed as being that which it is; instead of being used to promulgate the far-off and untouchable heavens, paradise, and/or hell (which by the way were officially documented as being non existent in term of 'place' by the last Pope ... a few months after I -in writing- challenged their existence as the Good Books have prefabricated them to be. Maybe coincidence? And the only thing important is that Truth was finally shouted-out from St Peter's Square via the media that there exists 'Levels of Spirituality' - these I will discuss during another visit.

Fact is: 'Truth' is not what you have been programmed to believe. Keep in mind please that the human brain is greatly defined as being a 'computer like' part of the human body; thus, it works (at human productive levels) only within the environmental databases which have been n some manner programmed into it. There is another term that might be appropriate: 'Brainwashing' - the latter, either by third party entities or auto digested.

Here at Gregg's Place, we will enter into the 'Area' of Wisdom and Knowledge which is in fact the Principal Designer within our Very Being. Mere man's Guide and Support ...

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your next visit...


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