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Tuesday, July 03, 2007


There are times, when voices penetrate within shadows the Rays of Life's Sunshine within Gregg's Place demanding response by their very nature.

Full response to Usama bin Ladin’s Speech (as published on…)

Usama bin Ladin directed his message at the American people.

I respond, in like manner, as an American Citizen and Neutral Universal Being of Spiritual Evolution; and seek that the Aljazeera Network provide my rights to just, fair, and equal, media exhibition and publication of My response as same.

bin Ladin: "Praise be to Allah who created the creation for his worship and commanded them to be just and permitted the wronged one to retaliate against the oppressor in kind. To proceed:"

Praise be to the One Creator of All Life and Existence, of Whom no ‘man’ hath rightfully been brought to Creation’s Truths nor Existence’s Nature of Being. Be they of the religions whom speak of ‘Allah’, be they of those which shout-out of a ‘God’, the natures of a ‘Buddha’ … and on. For, if one amongst these be Truth than there not be the sufferings created by man’s prefabricated (over the thousands of years) differences; be these, of religious conviction, be these of geographic divisions brought about by ‘mere man’, be they of divisions which lead to imbalance amongst the Tribes and Peoples of All Nations in the sense of: food and water, the declaration as ‘Property’ of the Earth’s Sources of Energy and Provisions of Life Itself… and so on. For these not be of any One Nation or Entity of Business Nature! Be they of Creation for the benefit of ‘Every Man’. If price be placed upon these? Be this price of the Governing Bodies for their United Production and Universal Distribution (and like costs) to Every Man. Be they not of the bearing of man’s profits! For so this ‘man’ or ‘nation’ which so places tender upon the One Creator’s Gifts to Every Child be so ‘thief of greatest kind’ amongst the Peoples of Creation as Children of Their One Creator.

bin Ladin: "Peace be upon he who follows the guidance: People of America this talk of mine is for you and concerns the ideal way to prevent another Manhattan, and deals with the war and its causes and results."

Peace be upon All of Creation’s Children as Brothers and Sisters of the One United Family from the Birthing of Life at the Hour of Its Earliest Evolutions! And, may All and Each of Creation’s Children follow the One Guidance, from beyond the human mind and heart of man’s distortions, Whom dwells within Each Man in like manner to the Nature of a ‘Man’ known by name as ‘Jesus’; Who be like ‘Every Man’ and ‘Form of Life’ the One Son of Creation in like Nature. For ‘No Man as Child of Their One Creator’ not be born within and without of Same Nature and Being!

bin Ladin: "I say to Every Child, that be there not the ‘Manhattan’, or the ‘Lebanon’ or ‘Palestine’, or the historical ‘Germany’ or ‘Ruanda’ or any other of man’s created violations of your True Creator’s Natures should ‘Each’ become ‘Each’ in the Oneness of Spiritual Being as so Same was sculptured into ‘Every Man’ at Their Birthing. Speak I also, of the proofs of the Nature I speak; for so, man’s sciences and discoveries (too often smothered by those who so speak of their religious conviction for their comforts and powers) have demonstrated these Truths for the times measured historically beyond centuries."

I say to Every Child, True One of the Creator’s Guidance speaketh not of ‘next war’ or ‘violence against Brother’; ye though, this One speaketh of the Truth of Every Man as Creator’s Child for the calming of man’s corrupt and inconsistent seas, and the Unity of Every Child for the Peace and Well Caring of Every Other Child within the One Family of Creation and Existence.

Further, I say to thee Usama bin Ladin, know thee not that the America whom thee address be the Children of Most Nations. Sayeth I, if we must speak of One Nation’s People (again demonstrating your desires to maintain divisions), than let us speak of the Tribes known as Indian as being the Only Pure American. Do thee take also your attacks to their humble doorways? For, I am of Irish root; and I know only of those (other than my Indian Brothers) of other foreign seedings amongst those who came, for just reasons, into the land called America. Be there not amongst the Children whom have journeyed into this Land you denounce also the Children of those lands which you speak to be defender? Say I, yes! So there be! And I believe there also be just reasons for their migrations and immigrations? Do thee believe that if ‘man’ could trace back his evolutions to the first of ‘all man’ that be not the reality of one place? Be these evolutions beyond man’s physical natures from beast or Creation’s Smallest Creatures or Slimes of Origin? Say I, that if thee believe that I am not of the Same Nature as Any Other Child within the Universes known as Physical, than know thee not Truth … and be thee not the Guidance to Right Path for your People; the later, Who be I and be my Brother. ‘Man’ hath been separated from True Nature within the Trinity of Spirituality; and ‘Man’ (as Spiritual Child’ need not be guided by ‘any one’ who has not come yet to understand the Truth of All of Man!

bin Ladin: "Before I begin, I say to you that security is an indispensable pillar of human life and that free men do not forfeit their security, contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom."

Security: be their One Security for ‘any man’! Be this with Self in Unity of the Oneness of Creation with, and as, Creator. Freedom be respect for Same Do thee once more, divide ‘human life’ from man’s Rightful Domain of Unity with His Creator? Be not this possible, if One seeks to define Freedom as Universal and Equally Just respect for Each of Our One Creator’s Children. For be ‘man’ (as masculine in humanity) not superior over ‘woman’ (feminine human characteristic’ who has been given by Our One Creator the Greatest of All Responsibilities in the Birthing and Caring for Each of Our Creator’s Children given the Gift of the Human Physical experience. Do thee Usama, not yet know of Woman’s Gift of Our Creator of greater intelligence over ‘man’ within the very precise and biological organ known as ‘brain’? Where do thee define Freedom’s Beginnings? If thee, deny Our One Creator’s Works of Being as ‘human’ their Just Right to be in First Place amongst the human species of animals known as ‘man’? No ‘Free Man’ (woman or man or child) defines ‘security’ at the lowest of levels of which you speak. For their ‘Security’ is within the Very DNA of their direct Spiritual Relationship, which be Individual and United in Oneness, with Creator. Speak you, of ‘Insecurity’ created by those who twist Truth and promote violence as the solution to their prefabricated twistings? For, be there not one ‘man’ of some knowledge who does not know of the programming on the part of all governments, commercial, and religious factions that have comfortably evolved historically to maintain, promote, and to use (through abuse) or manage ‘man’ for their powers and comforts.

bin Ladin: "If so, then let him explain to us why we don't strike for example - Sweden? And we know that freedom-haters don't possess defiant spirits like those of the 19 - may Allah have mercy on them."

You address always, the ‘Bush’s’ or ‘Few Others’; ask I: If they be, as so you demonstrate clearly in this of your presentations, the roots of your problems … why than have they not been justly brought to trial fro judgment by the Organizations who govern the Nations around the Global Environment? And how many ‘Bush’s’ were amongst the 50,000 innocent Children of Creation within the Towers which you so chose to attack for your reasons? For is, only the ‘Bush’s’ be responsible as you so direct your charges; why than do you attack those who do not govern in the President’s Office? Be not there, amongst you, honor? And be not blind educated ‘man’ to the reasons of your international selections.

Freedom Haters? Defiant Spirits? Are we to believe that ‘Truth within the Nature Spiritual Spirit’ needs be defiant? I say not, for if we speak of Spirit as being Truth of God, or Allah, or Buddha, or the Great Spirit, than we would not speak of defiance; instead, we would speak of ‘Understanding’ beyond that, which we in our small confinements of human evolution (sculptured by our own environment and thinking). The later, to arrive in a non-violent manner with a fair, intelligent, and balanced solution that would place in 1st Consideration the True Nature of Being and man’s part within; as well as, a solution which would incorporate the Universal Experiences and Findings with regards to man’s individual rights as Gifted by Our Creator (and certainly not to be stolen away by any human being) with Respect for the Same … without destructive and very human geographic or religious considerations and error.

Only Our One Creator can judge those Who take the Gifted Human Life away from One of This Creator’s Children. No ‘man’ hath this right, if not in defense of their immediate and personal state of being against harm; or in defense of Our Creator’s Children in such place where this threat exists directly. Be thee, of the people’s heroes? Bring to silence the violence provoked within the Iraqs of this World allowing time for all involved to wind-down from the insanities which plague ‘man’ under these violent conditions and stresses. Do thee this, and the World’s Tribes will take notice and listen! For no government or leader of any nation not be always under the management of it’s people should Truth State Clearly their wrong doing against the innocent!

bin Ladin: "No, we fight because we are free men who don't sleep under oppression. We want to restore freedom to our nation, just as you lay waste to our nation. So shall we lay waste to yours."

I ask thee, who be ‘We’? For so not be your waging of violence of your Nation’s but of those whom you have convinced of your ‘truths’. Be it known, that your methods of restoring ‘your definition of freedom’ to your nations be sewn with violence and destruction within those very same nations … against the very same People you claim to protect. Thus, you fight freely against ‘Each’ for that which you desire to be! No ‘man’ of Intelligence and Love Which flow from Our One Creator desires to “lay waste” to another’s home. I will follow your passionate commercial and economic convictions to demonstrate this fact: the damages are normally paid and financed by the Countries (plural in all cases) involved in the all-to-obvious necessity of involvement to assure Freedom as defined by Our One Creator for Each and Every Child. Going beyond your economic fixations: No ‘man’ of Family, Friendship, and of a God Orientated Religious Sect (Yes “Sect”!) desires to harm another! I have been in man’s battles for Freedom, I have taken into my Very Being those who desired Freedom so much that they gave their life, or that of their Loved Ones, beside me in defense of Their God ( to be human) Given Right to Freedom … as Freedom is; and not, as those like you decide ‘Freedom’ should be.

Tit for Tat? If you battle with a ‘God/god’ than that which you have said above is out of place. Or your ‘god’ is not the True Creator of All Life.

bin Ladin: "No one except a dumb thief plays with the security of others and then makes himself believe he will be secure. Whereas thinking people, when disaster strikes, make it their priority to look for its causes, in order to prevent it happening again.

But I am amazed at you. Even though we are in the fourth year after the events of September 11th, Bush is still engaged in distortion, deception and hiding from you the real causes. And thus, the reasons are still there for a repeat of what occurred.

So I shall talk to you about the story behind those events and shall tell you truthfully about the moments in which the decision was taken, for you to consider."

You assume, that ‘Any Man’ of ‘Any Nation’ who comes through necessity to decision to leave of his homeland and Family not be also of the knowledge and acceptance of ‘Retaliation’ on the part of those who negate the Truth of Reasons and Motivations?

Above, you seemingly seek to present a psychological threat of retaliation for any nation’s (or populations) decision to Fight for Freedom of an oppressed people’s subject to denial of their rights, torture, and murder. I say to thee, this will not have effect upon the True Children of the One Creator. For no ‘Brother’ leave ‘Brother’ to suffer eternally under these violations. And no Divine Parent looks down with favor upon any Child who abandons Other Child to these things.

You Usama / Osama (With all due respect – it’s incredible how your name hits the media) use many adjectives in accusations. However, you do not present more than your convictions of your crime terminologies to the People; be they of America or Other Honest Nation. Words, in any language, can be used cunningly without content in these times; nevertheless, intelligent and educated ‘man’ seeks always the profound nature and proof of that which ‘one’ claims against ‘other’.

No one needs be a genius in today’s world (if they have the Truth before them via the media or the like) to understand the imbalances which have been created by ‘rich man’ (of Whom were you born?) over the generations and divided societies of this World. The same with regards to governments and diverse religious cults; be they, under the guise of ‘Christian’ or ‘Islamic’ or ‘Other’. Violence, whether defined as: marital; ethnic, conflict; war; terrorism, or the like is in fact ‘Violence’ of the same nature. One cannot justify either for the existence of either in these times, for We are all victims of the very same ‘Divided Entities’ mentioned a few moments ago. If you seek in Truth that which you claim so often; than, I tell you that this Same only be in the Peaceful Re-thinking and Evolution of the Common Truth of Creation thusly eliminating in first place ‘religious divisions’ as an excuse for ‘war / murder / killing / and the like’. Once ‘Every Man’ is given the True Freedom to Know Whom be Each Man, than, and only than, can True Life’s Understanding be brought to the development of a Unified and Balanced Relationship of Respect throughout ‘mankind’. No Creator of True Divine Nature seeks that One Child born of Same murder or abandon Other Child and Brother! Your ‘overall platform’ is riddled with Divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Logic, and Love. Any ‘intelligent man’ can arrive at the Truth of this, no matter what religious enslavement they have been indoctrinated into against their Freedom of Will since (and before) their birth into the physical state of ‘human being’.

“Dumb thief”? You, and yours, stole the lives of thousands of innocent people not involved in your convictions and psychological torments … without taking into consideration the overall reply to this tactic of terrorism. That’s what I define as being a truly “dumb thief”. No ‘Nation’ needs to accept that kind of thievery, and cowardice, from any small and minute faction which desires to inflict its convictions upon everyone else who is not in agreement; be they within the nations you call ‘yours’ (?) or others.

bin Ladin: "I say to you, Allah knows that it had never occurred to us to strike the towers. But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and tyranny of the American/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind."

Thusly, you admit that you acted personally and against the Knowledge and Will of ‘Allah’!

bin Ladin: "The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorized and displaced…."
… And so on

The remainder of your speech, I have chosen to address in a more global manner. At times, I feel that you have underestimated ‘mankind’s ability’ to read through the lines and to see clearly the motivations behind endless words and phrases. Thus, we come back always to the ‘warnings and intimidations’ implanted silently within the major part of your discussion.

This is not important, for the major part of the Free World which has the Right to Progressive Global Information, Education, and Culture can arrive at the latter point without our emphasizing it. Actually, you have mistaken the impact of this strategy upon the very same People (not only of America) having in common the benefits of progressive freedom just mentioned. Fear tactics died-out many years ago in America when wars were waged against the Historical Italian and Irish Mafias. Put too much pressure on Free People and Their Spiritual Side says Ok – let’s do what is Right according to Creation’s Nature and Plan … and fight back for the Same. ‘Man’ was programmed into believing that ‘God’ and/or ‘Mohammed’ were warriors too: plagues; contracts out on the lives of the First Born Sons; and the like. Wow! What a contradiction to Divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Love … and so on!!! The prefabrication I speak of? You only need to go back through ‘history’ … it’s all there! The ‘Victims’ who pay the price? You! Me! Just about every living person or thins (and their environments) within the Universes (even those that ‘man’ hasn’t yet arrived to even understand exists). So let’s get-off the ‘one-sided oppression kick’ ok.

Everyone knows war’s infliction upon the warriors … and upon those innocent who find themselves under a zooming rocket, mortar, bullet, or whatever. You are not the ONLY ONE WHO lived under and through it! Nevertheless, you are ‘One’ who decided to add onto it! Reasons? I do not really buy your uttering as being the foundations underneath it all. You speak of economics. I spoke of economics. The World of the 2000’s and the past, and the future has come to a sorrowful point within man’s creations: In which ‘man’ cannot even survive without it. Thanks to programmed “Guidance” and “Direction” on the part of those institutions I mentioned above: Everyone is into objects and money. Obviously without fuel and energy many would die; but beyond that we have ALL been commercialized to some extent. The Whole World, at their dining table, forgets that every so many seconds or minutes some small child or person dies of thirst or starvation. The Whole World has accepted that wars and conflicts will never end; and thus, one will kill the other for their own reasons … some ‘Right’ and ‘Most Wrong’. ‘Man’ (masculine gender) will go on fearing ‘Woman’ due to the feminine ability to be equal and according to Creation and Science maybe even (more than maybe) superior. The latter, if ‘woman’ continues to accept this disgusting masculine oppression and denial of their Right to Be Whom They are! Woman’s dress? Covered or uncovered the True Sin or Crime is within the small little mind of the ‘male man’ who looks at beauty of Creation, not with Respect, but with offensive sexual intentions or declarations.

What it sincerely and honestly comes down to? Yes! This ‘World’ went somewhat astray in many intentionally divided ways. No ‘Victim’ is guilty … and Each of Those Who lead are. For they have taken the responsibility of managing the insanities which prevail in all parts. Compassion on these ok, because they are not Gods of a capital ‘G’ or even a small ‘g’! No ‘One’ has the Right to stand-by and watch defenseless ‘Other’ (as an individual or population) be oppressed, tortured, murdered, enslaved, or other abuses by any other entity or individual. Unfortunately, these who inflict upon ‘man’ these abuses and atrocities never want to voluntarily STOP … pray for forgiveness and accept due justice. The latter is the real big problem.

Following-up on the last paragraph’s theme: You Osama bin Ladin have just inflicted an additional damage upon any potential for insanity bringing violence as man’s normality of dealing with their problems into the boardroom for potential unbiased, peaceful, intelligent, wise, and common interest discussions on regenerating Truth and the Creator’s True Will into a peaceful and respectful (for Every Man, Woman, Child, Animal or Sea life, and Environmental) Solution by leaving out of these discussions the religious, commercial, and political interest divisions; and focusing, upon the Truth of the Overall Situation and a United Plan which brings about a United Interest as One Family as Creation gave birth to.
If you are not willing to cease the insanity of violence as a means to arrive at the later; than you are no different than those you accuse of atrocities or wrong doings. America has no problem taking to Justice in a just and peaceful way those who are guilty of your charges. I believe that even Sweden is capable of doing so too. However, the God’s Honest Fact of Life here is that anyone can accuse (The Leaders … including you… all do!); but it will only be those who demonstrate facts behind their charges in a sane and non-violent manner will win the Populations of this World to supporting their position. Try it! You may like it! Make Love not War! Send flowers not suicide (even if they didn’t know that they were until too late) bombers!

Have a Great Day! I sincerely hope that you will meditate on what I have just spoken in response to your personal message to me as Someone Who Arrived on this Planet in America. If you are reading my reply, I can be assured that Al Jazeera justly provided me with fair and equal time on their major networks. This, I believe, is still a platform for the media; as they have given you space and time to address me as an American. If you do not see my reply, I will question also Al Jazeera’s ‘Fair and Just’ Policy… and try to get this message to you via other means.

F. Gregg Meagher
Obviously for security reasons I won’t provide my address. Nevertheless you are free to contact me via Al Jazeera or eMail: . I would also like to invite you to an open interview where we could discuss philosophies in front of the major media broadcasting networks on a neutral ground.

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