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Thursday, July 12, 2007

If not the 'You' you are?

What are ‘you’ ~
without Being the ‘You’ ~ You truly are?
The Answer: a partial (incomplete) physical entity which can be seen as a direct paragon to a ‘mannequin’ which has been constructed by ‘other man’ not only to function (within its programmed limits and confines) somewhat independently; but further, which has been manipulated for generations, at artificial (human brain) intelligence levels to believe that ‘in fact’ it is a fully individualized and independently functioning ‘being’. One which in fact, is the principal operator of ‘Life’ itself here, as being the physical state and nature within Your Existence and Ours.

Sadly ~ those who continue to operate under these severe and damaging misconceptions, concerning the True Nature (and roll) of ‘man’ as a physical entity, will not only be victimized at personal levels; but also, will contribute to the Global Abuses and Destructive Natures which are specifically related to the physical nature of ‘mere man’ when not united with True Being and the Guidance of Same. The Later being the ‘you’ which has been historically indoctrinated as being somewhere above the untouchable universes and planets.

‘Man’ has been intentionally misguided with regards to his True Nature and Being for the purpose of ‘human nature management’ for lucrative and power-related means. This is obvious to anyone who uses even a small part of the mental capacities involved with the workings of the ‘human brain’ ~ if there has been even the slightest contact with humanity on a more widespread basis than that limited to ‘physical self-egoism’.

The ‘end result’ (infinite in mere human nature) is: violence and conflicts at Family, Local Community, on up to International levels; abandonment to death by thirst, starvations, and curable disease of children, women, and men across the planet and starting within our own towns and cities destruction of our own supportive natural environments; the incapacity to feel complete psychologically and/or physically leading to problems as severe as alcoholism and drugs, gang involvement, stress related disease and suicide … and so on. In brief, the problems we confront day-in and day-out are mainly caused by (or maintained by) the absence of that Element necessary for man’s completion ~ known as ‘True Being’. A Reality, which has been suppressed and intentionally denied to man’s mental (brain) informational resources by the major religious sects (and affiliated operatives) which have operated on a Worldwide Scope since historical medieval times.

The One True Solution: an open and progressive mind which allows for examination of, and consideration of, the ‘Truth’ which has been denied to ‘you’; thereby violently and methodically abusing your ‘human rights’ and potential to be the ‘You’ … you truly are.

The Life Regeneration Project! … sponsored by Life Regeneration Systems Corporation LLC

… has opened its ‘YOU! Campaign’ … for You!

We are focusing upon ‘All Aspects’ supportive of Physical and Human Life:
The True Relationship of Man with Being! Your Natural Health and Wellbeing! The Economics of Living a Fuller Lifestyle and Experience! Educational, Social and Cultural Rainbows! Fraternal and Humanitarian Responsibilities without the traditional, profitable, and costly sales support! The Oneness of Being ‘You’ … with Everyone and Everything that this Universe offers! … and on …
Care about knowing ‘You’?

For information / contact Gregg at: PLEASE NOTE: All and any inquiries or information provided are strictly confidential!

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